Our new teacher is screwing us out of our grades! What can I do to complain?

Question:A few weeks ago, our chemistry teacher left to go to a friends wedding that she had requested a few days off for quite a few months before. The school denied her and said that if she left, she couldn't come back. She was going to quit at the end of the year anyway, so she decided to quit then and there. Now, we have this pharmacist as our new chemistry teacher, but he grades like he's insane. This quarter counts as 30% of our grade of the entire year. We've had 3 quizes, and no real homework assignments. The homework that he does assign is "extra credit" that adds 5 points to each quiz. The problem is that each question on each quiz is worth at least 5 points, and he's only assigned maybe four assignments, so they only make up for four wrong answers. My grade was a 98% in the class before he came, but because of this retard's quizes, my grade has plumetted to a 54%. If it stays like this, I'll fail, and colleges will probably not accept me. How can I complain and get a good grade?

So reality hits you squarely in the face. Your old teacher didn't care and let you skate by. Now, you apparently have someone who is interested in actual results. Results that, sadly, you do not seem able to produce. Colleges won't take you, huh? Well, bone up on your sweeping and mopping techniques. Also, try to think of more interesting ways to ask people if they want fries with that. Good luck.
Well, school is almost out, so you can look forward to that!!
Talk to him after class and tell him about his errors.
ive never heard of a teacher doing that. thats not right. maby the entire class should go see the principal, or the schol board. even tho school is almost over. if you guys all worked hard to get good grades, then you should get your proper grades. you should get the grades you deserve. best of luck to you.
Unfourtunately you are having to pay for the mistakes that the new ones always make. I advise you to get copies of your tests to show before and after your teacher left. Talk with your new teacher and discuss why in his opinion your grades are falling so you can always say you informed the teacher about your concerns. Get other classmates to do the same and set up a meeting with the other classmates or just you and your principal. He may not know what is happening. If this fails, then get your parents and other parents to complain and remember to always show your proof. Talk about your fears of failing and not going to a good college. If this doesn't work, then your principal has a boss, which is the school board. Discuss this issue with the school board, which no principal wants to do and I have a feeling that the issue will be resolved.
Please, get as many from that class as you can, all talk with their parents, and together, go to the prinicpal, and possibly the school superintendent on this matter.
How can you correctly learn what you need to learn for the quizzes, let alone for the grades you need for graduation time. I wish you all the best. Take care.
bummer, i transferred from one school to another, and got a hardcase for a science teacher. My grades plummeted, but you know what, I started having to work and study and learn, and not only did they improve, but i learned more science that year than i did the previous two, and also learned how to study and take notes and get my work done and passed in on time. He wouldnt nag you to do it, he would just fail you. Those lessons were much more valuable in my life than the science he taught.
if 2/3 of the year you had a 98... and currently you re failing.. your grade will suck but you might not fail.

you would need half of the class failing to make much of a forced impact. a councelor might be able to help.
you might be able to replace the grade in summer school.

Your entire class should have the teacher (ask nicely) explain how they word these questions and how to dissect them so you can study for the tests and answer them. Find out what you need to get partial credit or full credit.
Go to him and tell him that your goal is to get an A in the class and ask him for suggestions on what you need to do. Take notes as he gives you advice. Then check with him the following week to see how you are on track with your goal. Try and get him in your corner on reaching your goal. Good luck.
Dude! It sounds like a college class. If you're whining now, I have no idea how you'll cope in a real college anyway. Even if he doesn't assign homework, do some anyway, most college professors won't tell you what to study and when, and you're going to wind up with quizzes that you don't expect.

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