What do the students expect from their teachers?

Question:I am a college lecturer and want to know the inner feelings and expectations of students from their teachers. Examples would also be admired.

I'd expect the teacher to

A. Come to class prepared.
The lecturer would ideally be in class 5 minutes before the stated time, possibly even 15-20 minutes early before the lecture begins to answer pre-lecture questions about last night's reading, concepts, etc. The lecturer should be prepared to present and not be missing or fumbling through any materials. Any computer models or programs should be tested beforehand to make sure they work.

B. Good Lectures
Lectures should present the stated topic at hand. It is not appropriate to digress into a discussion on an irrelevant subject. The topic should be presented in as digestable a manner as possible.

C. Office Hours
The Lecturer should keep enough office hours that students are able to see him if they need to and should stay attentive to the students during these office hours. He or She should be willing to go out of his way to help students do well in the course.
The teacher should be able to keep the class awake, be understanding, speak in varying tones, and surprise them every once in a while. Don't give them too much work either.
For one thing, we hate boring professors...I mean like no creativity or anything like that. Unless you are teaching Math or Physics, it shouldn't be that way. That's the one thing I enjoyed the most from one of my professors, she was creative and made us do creative stuff; and made us think. It was a hard class, but it was fun. Also students like it when a teacher keeps their word. If you say this and this, they will believe you and if you hold back on it, they won't trust you again. Trust me, I've seen it in one of my classes... Pretty much that's it.
It isn't so much a problem with college teachers as it is with high school teachers and below because of the better pay. Since college students spend their own money to attend a university, they're usually more serious about not skipping classes and paying attention, which makes the professor's job that much easier. However, it's expected on the part of the college professor to teach something of substance in a well-organized and thoughtful manner (lest you bore your students to death) and to always be fair with grades -- basic stuff. No one gets screwed, and no one's unhappy. ^-^
plz be good to them, during lectures and specially during their exams n Viva's. Their r different kind of students just because you have trouble wid some does not mean d entire batch is bad. Don't punish d entire lot for a few students mistake.Be kind n you will always be appreciated. if not on your face but surely behind your back.
What a student wants depends on the student. If the student is taking a required class in which he/she has no interest then he/she wants a teacher who follows a book, explains the book, and tests on the book. If a student is interested the he/she can read the book and want information that challenges him/her and gives more insight than the book offers. In either case most students do want a teacher who is friendly and somewhat entertaining, but doesn't waste time with material that is of no importance.
Hello Professor.
I passed out of college a couple of years back. Iam currently working as a software engineer. When we were in our college, we expect the staffs to be friendly. Not having a very serious face in the class all the time. There are some staffs who would be very short tempered. I still remember. Our Electronics mam went and reported to our HOD that no one in our class questioned her on the subject. he he he.What a joke! We dont wnat you to be that way. Like act crazy for nothing!!

I do accept that taking notes is the job of a student in the class. I request all lectureres to develop the art fo patience or the skill to change a student. Patience to accept a student even if he/she does not take notes. The art of correcting - making the steudent to take notes, through your mode fo approach.

To students a teacher / lecturer / Professor is a person who can make wonders not by making the brians in the class to come university fist but my making the dumb headed get good marks int he university.

We dont want you to burden us with notes and assignments in the class, but a smile on your face, though we make a mistake.

We had a staff who was very strict in making be silent in his class. he used to handle very easy subjects, but has never taken any class for us. only seminars in the first month and in all the others classes he used to tell us more about computers, find the interest in the students and focus on them personally, thereby covering each n every student. he was very unique. I have got book from him ranging from M&B,Jeffery Archer to Nancy. He was unique.

He exposed us to what software engineering is to why charlie chaplin came to act in drams and movies...

Guess you got what i wanted to say...

Hope you be the best friend to your students and THE best staff in your campus.

Sorry if there was anything wrong...
Frankly, teachers nowadays have stopped 'teaching'. Teachers are no longer teaching and are now only assigning lectures and projects. Read this, find this, present that...
It has been quite a while since I've had an "Assigner" actually stand up and talk, explain, question for the entire class. Personally I know few teachers who have remained "teachers".
I believe teachers should be open minded and not restricted.
To imagine, to create, to be unique. All these factors have been proposed for decades now and teachers are not allowing their students to be free and instead limit their imagination and creativity with restrictions. It is time to loosen up! Students expect their teachers to teach! It is not that complicated. Try it once in a while. Eliminate any extra assignments and projects. Relive the stress and teach! Let your students be free to learn, listen, and comprehend! Change the future by teaching to the future generations of our world!
What do students expect? Students are a pretty large lot of folks... with some fairly diverse expectations.

The most common attitude I encounter among young college students (18-19 year old first-year students) is:

"I expect to be entertained."

This is a well-documented trend, GenY is the generation of instant gratification and melding of information with entertainment. Unless they're entertained, you're going to lose the attention span in a war with your student's text-messaging, laptop computers, or desire to sleep. And that's assuming they come to class!

The second-most common attitude I encounter is:

"I expect to be given direct answers"

...Even when a direct answer would negate the point of thinking for oneself. What constitutes "thinking for oneself" has changed in the last generation. One simply has to read through the questions on Yahoo!Answers in physics, biology, chemistry to see this... entire homework assignments posted online for people to answer in lieu of the student doing their own work. Yet many students don't see this as unethical or failing to meet the homework assignment; only that they believe all answers should be given in direct format and require minimal self-information manipulation. Socratic method does not work well with this generation.

The third-most common attitude I encounter is

"I expect to be validated"

This particular expectation is usually couched in terms of "respect." The only conclusion I've been able to come up with in five years of teaching college students is that they and I often have very different definitions of respect. I know that the concept of "respect" isn't mutual.. a large number of students expect to be respected yet do not give any respect to an instructor (for example, showing up to a laboratory exercise without having read the lab, or not paying attention in lecture and then repeating the same question that was answered two minutes ago in the exact same way). Ultimately, the expanded form of the attitude is : "I expect to be respected" actually means "I expect the instructor to validate me as a person regardless of my attitudes, effort, and treatment of the professor."

Of course, the age-old expectations still appply. Prompt and prepared lectures. Reasonable, consistent and timely grading (although most of my students now think 24 hour turnaround is "prompt", not the 2 weeks we used to expect of our professors!). Students continue to expect professors not to call them names, although they're much more likely to be offended for feeling stupid than a generation before (it used to be sounding stupid in class was considered a personal failing, not the professor's fault). As students progress in maturity and experience, I have found their expectations lean more towards the traditional expectations and less towards the self-validation and entertainment ones.
An actual education.
This article,
discusses it well IMO

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